Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So life just got harder...

So this isn't really about my weight loss journey but my life has gotten more stressful which, as history shows, I usually deal with food. I've been struggling this year with the grade level I teach and even though things have gotten better they haven't gotten good enough.I've been put on a professional development plan which sucks because it's a mandated improvement plan that goes in my permanent record and piles on some extra work for me, on top of grad school. I've decided to look on the bright side and look at this as just extra help and training since im only a third year. And I've met some people at the training I'm currently at that are willing to help me as well. But I have decided to look for a different job and go back to early childhood where I feel my strengths lie and I'm the most successful. So the search begins again to find another job. I feel that testing grades, especially math, are just not my strengths which I knew at the beginning but did not speak up like I should have. I feel I should have been honest in the beginning but live and learn I guess. I don't why I was put in my current position when in my interview I was very clear but everything happens for a reason I guess. So the next month is going to be crazy but I'm still determined to stay as healthy as possible and not resort to junk food or alcohol to cope. So I appreciate all your support and pray that things go smoothly the rest of the year and that I find a position where I'm appreciated, respected and supported so I can be the best teacher I can be. Always, K

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