Saturday, February 4, 2012

motivation via kids in need :)

So this week has been pretty crappy as far as my dedication and commitment to WW goes. I mean doesn't the rest of the world realize I'm on a diet? So could they please stop making delicious albight really unhealthy food? lol...but seriously I definitely fell through the cracks some and haven't been that great about tracking...but my family can tell you I'm terrible at remembering to do something daily...whether it be text, call, take medicine, etc. I get in trouble all the time at work because I'll start an incentive or intervention but after a few times forget to do it...consistency has always been a major flaw in me!! I'm working on it but I have a lot of things I'm supposed to be consistent with so it's a bit much!!

One of the things I've been really slacking off in is exercise. I hate working out...literally despise it! Those girls at the gym with the cute outfits running on the treadmill with their ponytails swinging behind them literally make me want to grab them by that same ponytail and yank them's ridiculous I know lol. I mean, I really don't understand people who enjoy working out. But you never really meet a fat person who likes working out lol. It's always thin people who enjoy it. Oh and girls who used to be fat really piss me off when they are all like "I love working out!" No bitch you don't you just love the fact that you can climb a flight of stairs without passing out and can shop at more then three stores! Ok off soapbox so anyways I needed motivation to work out, well I got in the form of a 5k my little(st) sister found and has convinced me to do, along with my other sister. It's called the Color Run and it benefits the Children's Hospital in Atlanta. The premise is for every 1k you run (or in my case walk with purpose) kids and volunteers throw paint powder and glitter on you and then at the end there's this huge celebration. It's $40 to sign up in case anyone is interested. I have the link at the bottom of the post. The run is March 31st and I'll make sure I put up pictures.

Speaking of the pictures are being taken tomorrow because I'm going to my parents and having one of my sisters take them so I can stop procrastinating. I also need to find a scale (the one you actually move the bar to find weight) so I can update my weight.

Well that's all for now...bout to go make some soup and do homework...oh joy! :) In case I don't post tomorrow....Go Giants!!!



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