Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the trouble with food is...

it's so delicious and easy to get!!! This whole diet thing would be so much easier if I lived in a third world country or the backwoods somewhere lol. I never really realized how freaking easy it is to be fat in this country!!! and CHEAP!!!! I mean you can eat a shit ton of crap for $10 at any fast food place but $10 won't go very far if you want to get something healthy at a restaurant. I mean seriously why is it $14 for a salad? Was the lettuce imported from the golden enriched soils of Indonesia? it's ridiculous! may have figured out there has been some cheating this week...but it's cool because I totally have figured out how to fix this problem.
1.) Put my purse in my trunk...can't go through drive thru's (yes it has gotten to that point)
2.) Drink a shit ton of water...
3.) Eat apples....
Plan 3 needs some explanation...I came to this revelation the other day after I had eaten a salad and an apple...I was exhausted after! Seriously I now know why they say salad is the best thing to eat when losing get so freaking tired of chewing halfway through the salad your body just screams "ENOUGH!!" and you're good...same goes for an much chewing!! And for those of you who are thinking "damn this girl is lazy..." I challenge you to eat a large salad with a crap load of veggies on it and then an apple and then see how your jaw is feeling....not such a smug bastard anymore are we???

btw there will be pictures up here eventually...I'm just really lazy :)

Below is an awesome recipe I found on (an amazing food website...everything looks awesome on there) was freaking delicious...definitely get mango salsa to go with it...your happy mouth will thank you and forgive you for the salad/apple incident



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