Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ok so maybe the worst blogger ever :/

So I didn't realize how easy to let this blog fall behind would be!! While I have been really sick the last few days, there's really no excuse for the lapse before that. So I have renewed my vow and committment both to the blog and to WW. Last week my cousin was in town and even though she is a major inspiration (she's lost 91 lbs in a year!) it was easy to fall behind in my diet since we went out to eat a lot and drank a lot! But I'm back on the wagon after spending $200 on groceries haha. I have a slew of new recipes thanks to and I'm excited to get back on track. Tonight I'm making Stuffed Cabbage Casserole since I'm way too lazy to make Cabbage Rolls. Excited! I made Hungry Girl's Breakfast Cookies and they are delish!! And I'm still addicted to my Lean Cuisines with steamed veggies for lunch every day! Trying to get everything back on track so stay with me!!!!



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