Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ok shall we try again?

I think it's pretty well known that I'm a huge procrastinator and not very consistent as this blog has proven :) but the blog has in the past helped keep me accountable so we will try again :)

I have started weight watchers was a Christmas present from my day (no worries I asked for it!) this time I'm doing fairly better on the food choices but am still struggling with cravings and portion control :( it's even harder now that I'm not working. Yup I'm not teaching anymore :( well not at the's a long story and not worth sniveling over but I'm trying to find a job quickly that will keep me in field greens and out of ramen country! From nanny-ing to teaching online, I'm looking everywhere! Hopefully something will pop up soon :)

And yes I do realize that the post before this one talks very much about the same thing lol apparently I did not learn my lesson! I am still struggling with those questions even now and seriously kicking myself for not either getting out sooner or going overseas last year! This time I think I have finally learned my lesson though :) I cannot settle for anything less than what is best for me! I also need to really do some soul searching before I go back to a standard school and classroom. Hopefully teaching online will allow me the joy of teaching without the heartache and headaches of the public education system!

In the mean time I've been playing around with two cool apps: FitRadio which has stations that match whatever physical activity you are doing to keep beat and time up and WW Kitchen which you can put in your own recipes and it will calculate the points for you :)

Well that's it for now....laters :)


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